Hamilton Mountain Dental Group

Providing people with a positive experience centred around, but not limited to dental care. The product for both, our team and the people who trust us with their care will be a better quality of life.

Tongue Tie Treatment Hamilton

In order for toddlers or children to develop proper dental growth, it’s important to consider receiving tongue tie treatment Hamilton to reduce the risk of complications with breastfeeding, speech, eating, and maintaining good oral health.

What Is Tongue Tie?

Ankyloglossia (tongue-tie) can actually be detected right at birth, but as children reach the age of four or five, symptoms usually disappear which is why parents may choose not to have a frenotomy performed. A frenotomy is a procedure in which the lingual frenulum is cut. In fact, this procedure takes less than a second and doesn’t require anesthesia and the tongue can now move more freely!

Long-term tongue-tie effects can also negatively affect your breathing and hearing. Since your tongue isn’t resting properly, your airways can become blocked, leading to sleep apnea/poor sleeping patterns. This can also cause a buildup of mucus and frequent ear infections.

Dental Laser Technology

Thanks to innovations made in dentistry, our Hamilton Dental Clinic has been able to share some of these changes with our patients in the way we care for them and we are so grateful to be practicing today. The CO2 laser has changed the way we are able to perform the tongue tie release procedure that previously required scalpels and stitches. Using laser technology we are helping our patients reduce their treatment times and recover faster, and the best part is that your baby can begin breastfeeding immediately.

Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy

There are many benefits to myofunctional therapy. This three-week program can not only improve speech but also improve poor breathing issues, poor sleeping habits, troubles eating and swallowing, and even straightening teeth.

Surprisingly, tongue-tie can cause gaps between the two bottom teeth and can even make it very difficult to swallow, leaving food debris in between your teeth and increase your chances of gum inflammation and tooth decay

You swallow up to 1,000 times a day and when not swallowing correctly, the constant pressure from the “tongue thrust” can push your teeth out of place. Over time, this can lead to an abnormal bite, making it even harder to bite and digest food and even a change in your cheeks and lips (because of the muscles being overused).

Tongue Tie Diagnosis

It’s not always easy to tell if your baby has tongue-tie by looking under their tongue yourself. If you’re noticing the following common symptoms, your baby may have tongue-tie: 

  • Trouble latching
  • Fussiness
  • Colic

This can negatively affect your baby’s growth (weight gain) and lead to more problems with their diet and teeth as they age. Call and book an appointment today and we’ll perform a same-day frenotomy procedure so your baby can feel more comfortable and you can rest assured knowing breastfeeding will be much easier for both of you.

Other Services


Let us help you with Invisalign clear aligners in Hamilton, Ontario. Improving patient experience is very important to us as well as keeping every patient well-informed throughout any procedure. Call us today to schedule your next appointment to see if Invisalign treatment is the best option for you.

Sometimes in order to improve your smile, it has nothing to do with fixing your teeth. Gum reshaping Hamilton is a very common cosmetic procedure and sometimes necessary in order to improve your oral health and gum to teeth ratio. Thanks to lasers, the dental team at our Hamilton Mountain Dental Clinic can reshape gums with reduced bleeding and swelling.

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